Baby Bookworms
Join us for stories, songs, nursery rhymes, and movement activities. Geared toward the under 2 crowd with caregiver. 30 minutes of open play follows.
Clark Public Library
303 Westfield Ave
Clark, NJ 07066
United States
Join us for stories, songs, nursery rhymes, and movement activities. Geared toward the under 2 crowd with caregiver. 30 minutes of open play follows.
Bring your quilt or other crafty project and visit with the members of the quilting club.
If you have a young, reluctant or struggling reader, we want you to meet our therapy dogs! They are non-judgmental listeners and furry friends to read to that won’t laugh if your child makes a mistake or stumbles over a word.
If you have a young, reluctant or struggling reader, we want you to meet our therapy dogs! They are non-judgmental listeners and furry friends to read to that won’t laugh if your child makes a mistake or stumbles over a word.
If you have a young, reluctant or struggling reader, we want you to meet our therapy dogs! They are non-judgmental listeners and furry friends to read to that won’t laugh if your child makes a mistake or stumbles over a word.
If you have a young, reluctant or struggling reader, we want you to meet our therapy dogs! They are non-judgmental listeners and furry friends to read to that won’t laugh if your child makes a mistake or stumbles over a word.
Do you need help with your digital literacy skills? Join us for tutoring sessions on topics including Google Drive, Microsoft, Email, and resume help. Registration is required as sessions are limited to 4 students at a time.
The Forge (Rated PG). Isaiah Wright has some growing up to do. A year out of high school with no plans for his future, Isaiah is challenged by his single mom and a successful businessman to start charting a better course for his life.